Do i need a Visa or Special Permits to travel within India?
No, Indian citizens do not need a visa or special permits to travel within India.
Is travel Insurance included in all the tour packages?
No, travel insurance is not included in all tour packages offered by Saishishir Tours.
What are the payments terms and cancellation policies ?
Payment terms: 50% payment is required for seat confirmation. Cancellation policy: Cancellation must be informed at least 15 days before the tour; otherwise, a charge of 7000 will apply. If canceled 2-3 days before, full payment is required.
Can i get refund if i need to cancel my booking?
Yes, you can get a refund if you cancel your booking, but only if you cancel before 15 days. After 15 days, a 7000-rupee charge applies.
Any Special Packages for Solo travelers by Saishishir ?
Yes, Saishishir offers special packages for solo travelers, but the price may be higher compared to group packages.